Goshems Farm
Goshems is located on the River Thames at East Tilbury in Essex, it borders Tilbury power station. The land at Goshems Farm has been subject to historical landfill activity, with a predominant mixture of ash and bottles. The aim of this restoration project is to raise the land using inert material and restored it back to high quality, arable farmland. This remediation scheme will also incorporate the construction of a riverside public footpath, to connect this area with the wider public footpath network.
The project
This site was poorly restored and has very little topsoil present, much of the surface is littered with debris and the land is very uneven. These negative characteristics have presented IVL with the opportunity to complete high quality restoration works. On the 25th November 2003, planning consent was granted for the ‘restoration of the former waste disposal site by spreading soil from civil engineering works transported along the River Thames with the diversion of a footpath along a new route to be constructed beside the river’.
This 6 phase project involves the importation of cohesive inert construction material transported via barges to the one-site wharf at Goshems. The first barge was received in March 2011 and the restoration works are ongoing.
Skills and resources
As all imports are via barges, the need to coincide barge deliveries with high tide is essential; the site is also open around the clock to work in conjunction with high tide. In partnership with GPS marine who supply the barges, IVL have recently constructed a bailey bridge to increase docking capacity so that more restoration material can be imported.
Environmental protection
Before starting work on any new restoration phase, ecological surveys are undertaken to ensure that there are no reptiles or any other important species on site. If any are found, they are relocated to conservation areas in accordance with the approved Goshems Farm method statement, produced by Green Environmental. Once this work is complete, vegetation will be removed and composted on adjacent land. Any topsoil will be removed and stockpiled for re-use.
Once the site has been fully restored, there will be a five year aftercare period where any necessary remedial work will be completed, for example due to settlement or poor drainage. Annual aftercare meetings will be held with the local planning authority to review progress on site, and to agree a schedule of operations and management activity for the coming year. Monitoring of the site will be in accordance with the site closure plan.
Goshems Farm
Goshems Farm
Station Road
East Tilbury
RM18 8QR